The Institute Library’s classification system was created by William Alanson Borden who began as librarian in 1897 and returned for service from 1903 to 1910.
After the establishment of the New Haven Free Public Library in 1887, the Institute Library began to withdraw from the public life of the city and focus primarily on expanding and circulating its collection of general-interest and popular literature. Making use of the Institute Library as a laboratory in which to experiment with new library technologies and practices, William Borden developed a classification system for the library’s collection during the first six months his engagement. This system is unique to the Institute Library and remains in use today, together with Borden’s original card catalog and corresponding shelf lists.
The Borden Classification System divides knowledge into 26 basic classes, each identified by a letter, similar to the Library of Congress System, developed during the same time-period. Classes are further subdivided with numbers. For example: Philosophy is identified by the letter B, Ethics is B6.
A major benefit of this unique system is its ability to expand as knowledge develops and subfields come to light, emphasizing the Institute Library’s mission of “mutual encouragement in the pursuit of useful knowledge.”
In 1910, Borden accepted an invitation from the progressive Indian prince, Maharaja Savajirao Gaekwad III of Baroda, to create and direct a free public library system for the people of his state. Though Borden’s classification system was officially adopted for use in India for some time, the system and its original card catalog can only be found at the Institute Library today.
To us, this is a living collection; we add to and expand its particular subsets regularly with purchased and donated, new and used books, accessioned to reflect our members’ interests.
Among our archival collections are Borden’s manuscripts describing his classification system and theory, and copies of a dissertation analyzing his work in India.
“Instructors and members of the Summer School for Town Librarians, Baroda, June 1913”